Product developed in-house

Composite roof door

Using years of manufacturing experience in the production of roof doors, we have combined the plastic hatch with the aluminium roof door structure, thus eliminating the weak point of many similar roof doors, which is the thermal transmittance/damp point. Based on internal measurements, the proprietary roof door performed much better in dry ice tests.

Details coming soon!

Keress minket!Kapcsolat

Stal-West Zrt.

6041 Kerekegyháza
Dózsa György út 1.

T 76 / 546 013
F 76 / 546 010

Közreműködő szervezetek

Stal-West Zrt.
Stal-West Zrt.
Stal-West Zrt.

Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Köpont Zrt.
1539 Budapest, Postafiók 684. Tel: 40/200-617,

Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség