Development plans

We believe that a business can stay in the market or move forward if it develops. We also consider it important to inform our existing and future customers, so in the following we list what investments our company plans to make in the future.

Technology developments:

  • Continuous improvement of welding technology
  • Purchase of TRUMPF combined (nibbling-punching) laser machine

Real estate investment:

  • Restoration of our site and loading area
  • Construction of a new warehouse and assembly hall, 2500 m2

Keress minket!Kapcsolat

Stal-West Zrt.

6041 Kerekegyháza
Dózsa György út 1.

T 76 / 546 013
F 76 / 546 010

Közreműködő szervezetek

Stal-West Zrt.
Stal-West Zrt.
Stal-West Zrt.

Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Köpont Zrt.
1539 Budapest, Postafiók 684. Tel: 40/200-617,

Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség