Mission statement

Using our knowledge, skills and services, continuously developing them, becoming a system supplier, to serve our customers in a long-term way in such a way that, in addition to their satisfaction, they gain a lasting competitive advantage in the market.


In order to satisfy our customers and maintain their competitive advantage in the market, we have to perform the following tasks with the help of the application of the continuous development system:

  • We carry out our developments with the needs of our customers in mind and in full compliance with them.
  • We optimize the production costs and sales prices of our products by continuously analyzing and improving our entire manufacturing process.
  • We pay close attention to continuously improving our delivery and service flexibility.
  • We constantly monitor our customers' comments and measure their satisfaction.

Keress minket!Kapcsolat

Stal-West Zrt.

6041 Kerekegyháza
Dózsa György út 1.

T 76 / 546 013
F 76 / 546 010
E info@stal-west.hu

Közreműködő szervezetek

Stal-West Zrt.
Stal-West Zrt.
Stal-West Zrt.

Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Köpont Zrt.
1539 Budapest, Postafiók 684. Tel: 40/200-617
www.magzrt.hu, info@magzrt.hu

Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség