CNC punching

CNC controlled punching machine, with PEPS programming

  • Punching machine type: TRUMATIC 500 R
  • Maximum working area: 1650*5500mm
  • Maximum punching capacity wall thickness for steel: 6mm
  • Punching force: 20 t

CNC controlled punching basically means cut-out-punching and smaller shaping e.g. gill punching with appropriate tooling. Shaped parts are cut out with several different tools from sheet metal. As the tools produce the part almost finished, fewer operations are required.

Keress minket!Kapcsolat

Stal-West Zrt.

6041 Kerekegyháza
Dózsa György út 1.

T 76 / 546 013
F 76 / 546 010

Közreműködő szervezetek

Stal-West Zrt.
Stal-West Zrt.
Stal-West Zrt.

Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Köpont Zrt.
1539 Budapest, Postafiók 684. Tel: 40/200-617,

Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség