Surface pre-treatment

The OXILAN process is a pre-treatment process for steel products that are essentially treated for outdoor use.

OXILAN nanotechnology coating is applied by spraying to steel parts after degreasing, repeated rinsing and degreasing. After OXILAN, the use of a topcoat is always required, which can be electrostatic powder coating or any other type of additional coating.

It is carried out in a 7-zone injection chamber at 55 °­C.
Chemicals used: Chemetall
Phosphateable surface per shift: 300-400 m2


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6041 Kerekegyháza
Dózsa György út 1.

T 76 / 546 013
F 76 / 546 010

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Stal-West Zrt.
Stal-West Zrt.
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1539 Budapest, Postafiók 684. Tel: 40/200-617,

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